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Another Moment to Begin Again

In an evening of contemplation, poised between a belated New Year's Day and the inauguration of a new president and congress, my thoughts turn to my clients' lives. Yours are lives who move me every day. The most recent year has challenged many of us in heartbreaking ways. But I also turn to the pains that for many of us, were always there, before a new disease or a bruising American political storm. And your pains may continue after the media have moved on.

First and always, as a therapist I bear witness to another's life. Of course we use skills and techniques, but my unwavering commitment to being present is perhaps the role that I hope has made a difference during a year of such psychic and real pain.

And to my clients, sometimes you have laughed and shared and even celebrated. And you have been low, dispirited at times, overwhelmed, or discouraged. You have lost, grieved, and passed on. This article is a testament to your enduring value, your collective and individual willingness to keep showing up and trying again. Your courage and wisdom never fail to enrich me and those who come to see you clearly. Your humanity shines.

I would like to honor and embrace all the struggles, wounds, and scars that make you whole. They attest to your history, your own unique gift. Please carry with pride the wisdom that can only come from hardship, and share your lights with others.

Here is an interlude that expresses in metaphor a model for our eternal new beginnings.

The Japanese Art of Repairing Pottery: Kintsugi.

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